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If an UCPEA position is funded by federal grants and/or contracts, and that funding is paused or eliminated, the UCPEA position is still protected. These are the protections for different categories of UCPEA members: Probationary Employees, End-Date Employees, and Permanent Employees. [...]


We are excited to announce that the members of unions in SEBAC ratified all 35 contracts which are now up for legislative approval. While this is great news, we are not over the finish line yet and need all hands on deck.

The best way for members to help is to contact their legislators and urge them to approve our contracts to help protect public services and address the staffing crisis.

Here is how: Click this link using a non-work device and type your name and address. It will generate a letter to your state senator and representative for you to review, edit, and send to them right away

In 2022, coalition leaders and local negotiation team members worked tirelessly to win a fair four-year contract that delivered wage increases, step advancements, and lump sums and began undoing years of sacrifices state workers made to protect residents and businesses from austerity budgets. Since then, the average union member has benefited from an almost 15% increase in wages - and that doesn’t even include the wage and step re-opener in the fourth year, starting in July of 2024.     
But there is much more to be done.  We continue to face a service crisis due to recruitment and retention











The U.S. Supreme Court issued a 5-4 decision in Janus v. AFSCME on June 26, 2018, saying it is unconstitutional to collect fees from public employees who choose not to be a member of the union that negotiates the contract that provides their wages, benefits and other working conditions. 

This decision, which was split along political lines within the Court, is one that harms working people and their families, turning its back on the long and important history of the labor movement. The Court’s opinion was expected following recent cases pressed in Wisconsin and elsewhere by those who want to


Many of the news reports about the Janus v. AFSCME case tout the loss of Union Dues as the demise of organized labor specifically in the public sector. When Union Members act collectively in solidarity they represent a powerful group that significantly impacts the negotiation of fair sal aries, working conditions, health care and pensions. Recently, the public-school teachers in West Virginia joined in an action protesting how higher health care costs and the lack of raises for the past few years had eroded their ability to be engaged in the American Dream. After nine days, the legislature